Changes for page Glossary

Last modified by chrisby on 2024/09/19 10:50

From version 18.6
edited by chrisby
on 2023/10/14 12:07
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 18.5
edited by chrisby
on 2023/10/14 12:03
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



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14 14  | Command-Line Interface (CLI) | "[...] a means of interacting with a computer program by inputting lines of text [...]".^[[src](]^ For example, tools/commands used when working with a (Linux) terminal. |
15 15  | Commitment | Binding promise to complete a specific task within a set period of time. |
16 16  | Component | Often used to refer to a set of units, modules, or "architectural" components without a clearer specification. In software architecture, it refers to a module capable of independent operation, often compiled or packaged into an executable such as a `.jar` or `.exe` file. |
17 -| [[Continuous Integration|doc:Software Engineering.Agile.Extreme Programming.Continuous Integration.WebHome]] (CI) | See link. |
18 18  | Daemon | A program running in the background of a system, often without a GUI. |
19 19  | Data Structure | A class primarily meant to hold data and provide basic operations to access and manipulate that data. May contain only public fields, or private fields with associated getter and setter methods. |
20 20  | Dependency | In context of classes, a dependency is an object required by another object to perform its functions. Often, dependencies are provided via dependency injection. |
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57 57  | Static | Behaviors/properties determined before or at compile time. Examples: static code analysis tools inspect source code; statically-typed languages determine an object's type at compile time. |
58 58  | [[Story/User Story|doc:Software Engineering.Agile.Extreme Programming.Planning Game.WebHome]] | See link. |
59 59  | System | Entirety of software components designed to work together effectively in a production environment. |
60 -| Technical Debt | The implicit cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy solution now instead of using a better approach that would take longer. Often the result of poor design, testing, and refactoring. |
61 61  | Test Code | Code that tests the functionality of production code. Does not contribute to the operational aspects of an application. |
62 62  | Test-Driven Development (TDD) | A development approach where code is written in small increments, with tests defining functionality written at the beginning of each coding iteration. |
63 63  | Test Suite | The sum of all the test code used to check that a system meets its requirements. |