Changes for page Glossary

Last modified by chrisby on 2024/09/19 10:50

From version 18.54
edited by chrisby
on 2023/12/09 12:27
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 18.55
edited by chrisby
on 2023/12/18 11:05
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
79 79  | Specification | A detailed technical description of the requirements under which a user story is considered complete. Much more detailed than the original user story. |
80 80  | Stakeholders | Individuals with an interest in the success of a software project, which may include customers, developers, investors, externals and others who are affected by the projects outcome. |
81 81  | Static | Behaviors/properties determined before or at compile time. Examples: static code analysis tools inspect source code; statically-typed languages determine an object's type at compile time. |
82 +| [[Story-Driven Development|doc:Software Engineering.Agile.Extreme Programming.Planning Game.WebHome]] | See link. |
82 82  | [[Story / User Story|doc:Software Engineering.Agile.Extreme Programming.Planning Game.WebHome]] | See link. |
83 83  | Story Card | A physical card containing a user story and other relevant information such as an effort estimate and a business value. See also [[here|doc:Software Engineering.Agile.Extreme Programming.Planning Game.WebHome]]. |
84 84  | Story Deck | A collection of story cards for capturing the requirements of a project. See also [[here|doc:Software Engineering.Agile.Extreme Programming.Planning Game.WebHome]]. |