Changes for page Glossary

Last modified by chrisby on 2024/09/19 10:50

From version 18.14
edited by chrisby
on 2023/10/14 13:01
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 18.13
edited by chrisby
on 2023/10/14 12:34
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
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9 9  | Awareness | A class A is aware of class B if it contains a reference to class B in its source code. If no such reference exists, class A is unaware of class B. |
10 10  | Behavior | Counterpart to implementation. It refers to the observable actions performed by a component. For example: A class may have the only observable method `sort(Collection: SomeCollection)`, which says what it does, but no implementation details like what concrete sorting algorithm is used. |
11 11  | Best Practices | Widely accepted guidelines designed to enhance programming productivity and code quality. Adherence can prevent many potential issues. |
12 -| Business | Non-technical decision makers in the organization developing the software. |
13 13  | Business Value | The worth of a feature in terms of its benefit to the business. |
14 14  | Compile Time | The period when the code is compiled. Often used to distinguish from runtime. |
15 15  | Concretion | The counterpart to 'abstraction', also known as 'implementation'. In OOP, refers to non-abstract classes that implement the methods of interfaces or abstract classes. A concretion provides the 'concrete' code defining the workings of these abstract functions. |
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18 18  | Commitment | Binding promise to complete a specific task within a set period of time. |
19 19  | Component | Often used to refer to a set of units, modules, or "architectural" components without a clearer specification. In software architecture, it refers to a module capable of independent operation, often compiled or packaged into an executable such as a `.jar` or `.exe` file. |
20 20  | [[Continuous Integration|doc:Software Engineering.Agile.Extreme Programming.Continuous Integration.WebHome]] (CI) | See link. |
21 -| Customers | Individuals who use the software product, focusing on the value it provides to meet their needs. |
22 22  | Daemon | A program running in the background of a system, often without a GUI. |
23 23  | Data Structure | A class primarily meant to hold data and provide basic operations to access and manipulate that data. May contain only public fields, or private fields with associated getter and setter methods. |
24 24  | [[Definition of Done|doc:Software Engineering.Agile.Extreme Programming.Acceptance Tests.WebHome]] | See link. |
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43 43  | Logic | Any code with non-trivial complexity. For instance, getters and setters have trivial complexity and are usually not considered 'logic'. |
44 44  | Logical | The counterpart to physical. The abstract representation of something in software. For example, deleting a file from the desktop only logically deletes it, but actually moves it to the Recycle Bin, while the file physically remains on disk until the Recycle Bin is emptied. |
45 45  | Magic | Code that performs complex tasks while abstracting away the complexity, presenting a simple interface to the user. |
46 -| Manager | Individuals responsible for planning, organizing, leading, and controlling a software project's resources, schedule, and deliverables to meet stakeholder expectations. |
47 47  | Operating System (OS) | The foundational system software that manages and coordinates all computer resources. Examples are Windows, MacOS and Linux. |
48 48  | Pain | An unpleasant experience caused by unnecessary efforts that could have been mitigated with better design of the original code. |
49 49  | [[Pair Programming|doc:Software Engineering.Agile.Extreme Programming.Pair Programming.WebHome]] / Pairing (up) | See link. |
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65 65  | Snapshot | A saved state of a system or data at a specific point in time. Can be used for rollbacks. |
66 66  | Software Engineer | Technical expert with in-depth knowledge in many areas, including high-level topics such as software architecture and system design. |
67 67  | Specification | A detailed description of the requirements under which a user story is considered complete. Much more detailed than the original user story. |
68 -| Stakeholders | Individuals with an interest in the success of a software project, which may include customers, developers, investors, externals and others who are affected by the projects outcome. |
69 69  | Static | Behaviors/properties determined before or at compile time. Examples: static code analysis tools inspect source code; statically-typed languages determine an object's type at compile time. |
70 70  | [[Story / User Story|doc:Software Engineering.Agile.Extreme Programming.Planning Game.WebHome]] | See link. |
71 71  | Story Card | A physical card containing a user story and other relevant information such as an effort estimate and a business value. See also [[here|doc:Software Engineering.Agile.Extreme Programming.Planning Game.WebHome]]. |