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| Distribution | A version of an OS packaged with specific software and configurations, designed for specific use cases. Examples: Ubuntu, Fedora, and Arch Linux, all based on Linux. | |
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| Dynamic | Behaviors/properties determined at runtime. Examples: dynamic dependencies can be replaced at runtime; dynamically-typed languages determine an object's type at runtime. | |
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| Entity | 1) In the OOP context, this means that two separately constructed objects of the same type, even with identical field values, are still distinct entities. 2) In software architecture, refers to classes representing application data models and core business logic. A banking application might have entity classes like Account, Order, Customer, or Employee with methods like `myCustomer.executeOrder(someOrder)`. | |
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-| Estimates | Intelligent guesses about the resources needed to complete a user story. It is not a binding promise as opposed to a commitment. | |
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+| Estimates | Intelligent guesses about the resources needed to complete a task. No binding promises as opposed to commitments. | |
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| [[Field Injection|doc:Software Engineering.Architecture.Dependency Injection.Types of Dependency Injection.WebHome]] | A type of dependency injection where a dependency is injected directly into an object's field via reflection, bypassing encapsulation. | |
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| Functionality / Feature | An operation that a system can perform from the user's point of view. For example, the "login" functionality/feature on a website. | |
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| Graphical User Interface (GUI) | A user interface that allows users to interact with the system through graphical elements like icons, buttons, windows, and menus. | |
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| Specification | A detailed description of the requirements under which a user story is considered complete. Much more detailed than the original user story. | |
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| Static | Behaviors/properties determined before or at compile time. Examples: static code analysis tools inspect source code; statically-typed languages determine an object's type at compile time. | |
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| [[Story / User Story|doc:Software Engineering.Agile.Extreme Programming.Planning Game.WebHome]] | See link. | |
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-| Story Card | A physical card containing a user story and other relevant information such as an effort estimate and a business value. See also [[here|doc:Software Engineering.Agile.Extreme Programming.Planning Game.WebHome]]. | |
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-| Story Deck | A collection of story cards for capturing the requirements of a project. See also [[here|doc:Software Engineering.Agile.Extreme Programming.Planning Game.WebHome]]. | |
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| System | Entirety of software components designed to work together effectively in a production environment. | |
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| Technical Debt | The implicit cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy solution now instead of using a better approach that would take longer. Often the result of poor design, testing, and refactoring. | |
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| Test Code | Code that tests the functionality of production code. Does not contribute to the operational aspects of an application. | |