
Last modified by chrisby on 2024/09/29 23:34

This Blog

I'm a programmer who enjoys exploring different areas of IT. I've picked up a lot of knowledge along the way and usually write down my findings in notes. I find that summarizing these notes helps me organize my knowledge and makes it easier to understand and explain complicated topics to others. Throughout my career, I've learned so much from people who freely share their knowledge through blogs, forums, articles, and tutorials. I'm really grateful for that. It's had a huge impact on my professional growth and has always inspired me. So, in the same spirit, I thought I'd use this platform to share what I've learned over the years with everyone else. I hope you'll find these resources useful in your own journey.

Project Ocelot-Cloud

I am currently working on an open source digital infrastructure provisioning tool that aims to make self-hosting as easy as possible, called 'Ocelot-Cloud'. Here is our website.